The cable tray produced by cable bridge plant in Kunming, Yunnan province can be used for installation and installation of wires, cables and cables. In order to meet the needs of various industries, Yunnan Bo super bridge plant has gradually made the product standardized, classified and general-purpose. Now the cable bridge and its products have been produced, such as stents, busbar, bridge, bracket, connecting plate, cover plate and so on. If the design can be used to contact the sample.
In order to facilitate the production of standard trough type straight through bridge in cable bridge plant and create good conditions for design, construction and user transformation, the Yunnan Bo super bridge plant has designed a series of various specifications of straight through bridge and a new type of cable lead pipe joint. The new cable bridge product only needs the design personnel to choose the hole bridge and pipe joint on the site according to the model specifications. It does not have to draw the position map of the bridge open hole, and does not need to check whether the location of the aperture is the same as the location of the protection pipe in the site of the site. It greatly reduces the burden of the construction design of the cable bridge.
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